OasisEye Specialists

Presbiopia ICL

What is Presbyopic ICL?

Presbyopia is the normal age-related change in the eye that makes reading fine print difficult, which usually becomes noticeable from early 40s onwards. This is why people require reading glasses or multifocal spectacles from their mid forties onwards.

Presbyopic ICL (Implantable Collamer Lens for Presbyopia) is a solution to refractive errors (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia) for those who wish to be free from spectacles and contact lenses. ICL is a very small lens implant (diameter between 11.0 to 14.0mm). The lens is inserted into the eye through an incision and is placed behind the iris, in front of your natural crystalline lens. It is made from reinforced hybrid acrylic material to ensure excellent long term performance and it cannot be rejected by the body.

ICL presbiopia dapat membuat Anda tidak bergantung pada kacamata untuk penglihatan jarak jauh dan dekat, sekaligus mempertahankan lensa kristal alami Anda sendiri. Oleh karena itu, prosedur ini cocok untuk pasien berusia antara 40 dan 55 tahun. Mereka yang berusia 60 tahun ke atas mungkin mempertimbangkan prosedur pertukaran lensa refraksi (RLE), yang juga dikenal sebagai operasi katarak, karena katarak dapat berkembang setelahnya (tergantung individu)

How does Presbyopic ICL work?

Presbyopic ICL is inserted into the eye through an incision and is placed behind the iris, in front of your natural crystalline lens. It is made from reinforced hybrid acrylic material to ensure excellent long term performance and biocompatibility to the human body, so it will not cause an adverse allergic reaction after implantation. The lens is customized according to the size and refractive error (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia) of each eye and is available in a wide power range.

Two tiny holes at the optical zone margin ensures that the intraocular pressure in the eye is maintained at a normal level (10-21 mmHg). These holes are placed at the upper part of the lens to avoid glare or scattering of light due to the holes.

What are the benefits of Presbyopic ICL?

Can Presbyopic ICL be removed if necessary?

In rare situations such as a significant residual refractive error after implantation, IPCL Presby can be removed if needed. However, removal should only be performed by a qualified eye surgeon. Should a person undergo cataract surgery later on, the IPCL will be removed together with the cataractous lens. An intraocular lens (IOL) will then be implanted, which will treat the existing refractive errors.
